By Elyssa A. Goldstein, CLM, PHR, SHRM-CP
Admittedly, I’m not in the mood to write an Editor’s Message. Summer is here, which means my focus has shifted to the numerous outings and vacations I have planned. “The weekend” never seems long enough, and, at times, it feels like the gap between weekends somehow widens beyond five workdays.
The above sentiments may certainly be viewed as complaints by some, but I feel it is more appropriate to categorize them as longing. I am longing for the opportunity to visit my sister in Paris, where she is currently living for work. I am longing for day trips and weekend getaways with friends and family, inclusive of concerts, leisurely meals and, perhaps, a night’s sleep longer than five or six hours. At times, my longing feels insatiable.
But I have digressed… Despite having a job I love, NJALA and ALA volunteer commitments that help bolster my sense of purpose and a weight loss journey that is nearing the end of the “losing” phase, it can be hard to maintain my motivation.
I realize that statement may shock some of you, as seeing it associated with my name in print also shocked me to a degree. I pride myself on my ability to stay motivated, and to never (okay, rarely) quit before the proverbial finish line. I feel a sense of accomplishment after a long day, the completion of a work assignment (no matter how minute) or the rejection of temptation (like last night’s offer of an ice cream sandwich from a friend, because it just wasn’t part of my “plan”).
Motivation, like feelings and emotions, ebbs and flows. On a day when my alarm is set for 4:45 AM for a pre-work gym session, I have to dig deep within me to recall the motivation for this particular exercise (pun intended). On a day when I am struggling to find the proper solution to a work-related “crisis”, I have to summon the motivation to trust my own knowledge, skill set and acumen—or to ask for help from a colleague, even if it may make me feel slightly vulnerable.
The euphoric high that motivation brings is hard to quantify. In our largely results-driven chosen career path, where does motivation rank?
I can barely answer that question for myself, much less for others. I can, however, advise you to seek out the positive in every situation, to view the glass as half full and to give yourself credit for at least one good and/or better decision you make each day.
I also encourage you to find motivation in the motivation of others. My hope is that my candidness in this piece will help someone in some way. One of the most rewarding aspects of NJALA affiliation is a vibrant community. If I am not providing the perspective you need, I have no doubt that another member can be of service to you. As my relationships within our NJALA network deepen, I rely more heavily on the wisdom, guidance and encouragement of others in said network to carry me through my dips in motivation. I encourage you to do the same, regardless of how long you have been a chapter member.
Now that I have reached the end of my musing, I feel a palpable wave of motivation coursing through my veins. I have confidence that I can conquer the remainder of today with ease. Of course, tomorrow, this energy may no longer be present. If that is the case, and I cannot muster the motivation on my own, I will reach out for help, because I know one of my NJALA friends will be ready and willing to provide all the motivation I could ever need and more.
Elyssa A. Goldstein, CLM, PHR, SHRM-CP is the Firm Administrator of Rebenack, Aronow & Mascolo, LLP in New Brunswick, New Jersey.